Tulokset (
englanti) 3:
The fact I feel quite guilty hearts full of my body
per person still walking together
owner will still be afraid to shake and I miss her old man would know that people should not think
, know this: he was already
I know that should be forgotten about her
.If the person next to me to know her story. He's all
I don't know why. Her image is still disturbing the mind
, it knows that it should not be thought that confessing he
but the girl in fact
never has anyone replaced a sense
I also have her live
.She is still coming, they are in a dream at night
my own confusion, it should not be thought. He knew that he was the man, but she later
truth in mind
never has anyone replaced a sense
I also have her live
.She is still coming, they are in a dream in the night
, my own confusion
truth in mind
never has anyone replaced a sense
I still have her, she is still coming in, they were powerful dreams at night
, my own confusion.
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