Tulokset (
englanti) 3:
The famous Crabs: Jean-Paul Sartre, Nelson Mandela under the extremely hard exterior hides an intuitive effectively shielded the delicate Crab and the emotional core. This ambitious as his home as a reference to the työhönsäkin Saxony all laughs off is on the defensive all the time, but there is a protection to calculate the extremely charming, affectionate and sensual man. The past runs through the Crab included always. Home, childhood, the family and their sense of security brought by the Ravulle, are extremely important. Even so, that you need to make in order to gain access to the partner's Crab lives in the eyes of the big job, and the mother of this role himself. The crab is possessive, and take a firm grip of the rakkaistaan Saxony, and termination is not ever easy to him. But the Crab beside the love may be eternal. Objectivity is not a strong point for the crab. He takes issues with emotion, and assesses the situations on the basis of its experience, and only. He has received of the zodiac as a counterweight to the most sensitive of intuition, and is able to sense the emotions and needs of his fellows,
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